Church Traidcraft Stall
Elizabeth White, Finance Supervisor at the Church of Scotland , would like to thank our congregation on behalf of the World Mission Council, for the £215.00 raised from our Traidcraft table. Our gift is very much needed and appreciated and will be direct benefit to their overseas work.
We have asked for it to be directed towards building a house. We have therefore been informed this donation will fund building half a house in Nepal, so hopefully we can raise another similar amount...or MORE...very soon so the other half of the house can be built!
I have attached the latest brochure from Traidcraft which explains how they go beyond Fairtrade - in fact they co-Founded Fairtrade in 1992. Please read at your leisure.
So next time we have our Traidcraft table at the back of Lyle Kirk, please don't compare our prices against the big supermarkets - remember what you pay for Traidcraft goods will not only buy great quality goods, and support communities less fortunate than ours, but your money will also go to fund the building of the other half of that house in Nepal.
We look forward to seeing You....
Grateful thanks from the Traidcraft Team, Mona, Mollie and Dorly
