News update 02/06/2011







The Final Kirk Session - 31/05/2011

Alan Sorensen hosted the final meeting at his manse. Sandra Macdougall presented a gift from the elders to Ian Black for serving F SP's for 9 years as Session Clerk.
It was a most memorable and meaningful meeting which we celebrated with Holy Communion, followed by a happy time enjoying each other's company and Alan's "sticky buns"!

The Sunday service 29/05/2011 was conducted by The Interim Moderator Alan Sorensen, it was the last time the congregation worshipped together as the congregation of Finnart St Paul’s Church. The service was followed by a very successful Celebration Lunch in the Totine Hotel. (Photographer Enid McDonald)

Sunday 22 May 2011 Andrew McCance's last service at Finnart St Paul's - photos of him with the children, getting his presentation and with his wife, daughter and grandson. (Photographer Enid McDonald)


The church hall was full to overflowing with people being taken back in time - Archie Shearer tickling the ivories as we arrived to take our places, the waitresses Jan, Heather & Margaret looking like they were on loan from Miss Cranston’s Tea Room, were welcoming us at the door, (Roger too looked very handsome in his white shirt & bow tie, but no pinny!) Special mention must be made of Mrs Melanie Leslie -Carter who looked stunning in her pink & navy outfit with matching hat! The tables were set with “proper” china, the “cake stands” were groaning with goodies - assorted sandwiches, pancakes, gingerbread, dainty homemade cakes - all delicious (no one needing an evening meal tonight!) Before the tea was served we were entertained  to light hearted songs sung beautifully by Stephen Lee and  monologues written by Joyce Grenfell,  performed brilliantly by our own Sheila Grant. Joe Gatherer was master of ceremonies and he also did the vote of thanks in his usual inimitable way.
Once again a wonderful afternoon thanks to our “FAB” fund raisers who put tremendous effort into making this a really special event.
(Reporter & Photographer Enid McDonald)

The results of the voting for the new church name
Lyle Community Kirk 145 votes
Newark Community Kirk 131
Others 91
There will be a joint service in Finnart St Paul's on March 27th, and the last quarterly Communion of F S P will be on May 29th. Service of Union - 2nd June and 1st service of new church - 5th June (building still to be arranged)

Latest News Sunday 27th February 2011
Results of the Ballot on 27th February 2011 for the Proposed Union of Finnart St Paul’s, Old West Kirk and Ardgowan
Finnart St Paul’s
For Union: 80
Against: 4

Accept Mr Johnson of Old West Kirk as minister of united Church: 79
Defer: 4

Old West Kirk

For Union: 109
Against Union: 22


For Union: 131
Against Union: 18
Accept Mr Johnson of Old West Kirk as minister of united Church: 104
Defer: 41

Therefore the union of the three churches will go ahead and that Mr Johnson of Old West Kirk will be the minister of the new united Church.

Valentine's Lunch 16/02/2011
Lots of people lunching (about 70) all looking very satisfied and happy.

Thanks go again to the "fab" fundraisers. (Photographer Enid McDonald)



Christmas Quiz

The winner of the Christmas Quiz is Mrs. Ann Still.  Santa is having a well earned holiday but he left a little surprise for the winner of the quiz just before he jetted off on holiday.  Thank you to everyone who took part and if you want to check how well you did a copy of the answers will be on the notice board at the back of the church.

New Elders


We all know that we give gifts at Christmas because of Jesus, but do we give gifts TO Jesus?  In Finnart St. Paul’s Church today(5.Dec.2010), three members did just that, they offered their gifts and talents to God as they were ordained to the Eldership.


Jan Duthie, Heather Reid and Roger Lee have been stalwarts of the west end congregation for many years and the Kirk Session, which runs the congregation, decided that they were just the people who were needed to help steer the congregation into its new phase of life.  Finnart St. Paul’s is in talks about union with Ardgowan and Old West Kirk which should happen soon.


“There are some tremendously committed and talented people working away in Finnart St. Paul’s,” said Rev. Alan Sorensen, the minister who is looking after the church until it unites, “but the Kirk Session will be even stronger with the gifts that these new elders bring.   Jan is our Fund Raising and Social Convenor and already does so much to keep the church going, Heather has grown up in the church and volunteers for pretty much everything – and her husband is the acting treasurer, and Roger has been a member of the Session before, so we know the calibre of contribution he will be able to make.  It’s a real privilege to ordain such a strong team of new office bearers!”


Despite the weather, a good congregation turned out to join in the celebration of their ordination.


Below: photo of new elders, pictured from L to R. – Ian Black, Session Clerk hands a certificate of ordination to Heather Reid.  Next to her: Jan Duthie and Roger Lee. Also photo of 3 new elders along with Session Clark and officiating elders at this morning's communion.
(Report and Photographs by Rev. Alan Sorensen)

The scheme enabled shoeboxes of gifts for Christmas, to be delivered to children and families undergoing hardship and poverty in Eastern Europe. (Photos show) During the service this morning (21/11/10), Jim McDonald receiving our boxes on behalf of Greenock Rotary. (Photographer Enid McDonald)



Wednesday 12th May

A very successful and well attended Fashion Show by Alison's of Gourock, below are some of the photographs taken during the evening. Photographer Helen Wyllie. It shows again how adaptable the Church can be for hosting different events.

Friday 30th April
Finnart St Paul’s Church was the venue for the Greenock Rotary Club’s
Antiques Road Show, the photos show how adaptable the church can be for many different types of events. Can you spot the TV celebrity Antiques Dealer Anita Manning?
Photographers Heather Reid and Jim McDonald


Sunday 28th February
"Ian Black, Session Clerk, during this morning's service gave a very warm and heartfelt thank you from the Kirk Session on behalf of the congregation, to John Christie our Interim Minister, who today February 28th 2010, conducted his last service in Finnart St Paul's. John has been a tremendous support to the Session and congregation since December 13th. He was presented with a silver engraved pen in gratitude for the way and manner he has led us to look forward to the future. The presentation was made by Jean Strachan, minute secretary to the Session." Reporter and Photographer Enid McDonald

Concert by the City of Glasgow Chorus, 27th February, 2010

Last night a wonderful feast of music was enjoyed by approximately 130 people. Despite the church feeling a bit cold there was great warmth in the welcome given to the choir, conducted by Graham Taylor who had the audience in his hands and who was accompanied by John Langdon, who brought out the very best of our church organ.

The evening started with Handel’s Zadok the Priest, a piece which always has the hair on the back of the writer’s neck, standing on end! A great start which was followed by a very varied programme of works by Mozart, Faure’, and Elgar amongst others and the evening finished with the magnificent “The Heavens are Telling” from Hayden’s “The Creation”.

Our Interim Minister, John Christie, on the eve of his farewell service at Finnart St Paul’s, gave a very warm, witty and meaningful vote of thanks, so much so, that he persuaded the choir to sing for us one more number!

Another highly successful event organised by the tireless Fund Raising Committee.
Photographer Jim McDonald

The Tireless Fund Raising Committee

From left to right - Jan Duthie, Heather Reid, Roger Lee, Margaret Allan and
Jean Strachan. Missing from picture is Joe Gatherer

Scout Car Wash Saturday 27 February 2010


Yoga Classes

Early Bird, Julie Hall, keen member of Tuesday evening's Yoga Class, adopts a warm up posture while waiting for the rest of the class to arrive.  There are three yoga classes held in the church hall; Monday evening  two sessions between 6.00 -  9.15pm taught by Joana Reilly, (528778); and one class on Tuesday evening 7.45  - 9.15pm taught by Patricia Ralston (077710385707).




Today’s lunch was a HUGE success, thanks to the Fund Raising Committee and to all those who came along to support them.

The writer enjoyed a lunch of very tender beef stew (I’m sure it would have had a fancy name!) accompanied by potatoes, broccoli, carrots and tomato, followed by a delicious pavlova and rounded off with coffee, cake, tablet and a chocolate!! (No dinner needed for her tonight!) There was also salmon for a main course and various other tempting desserts on the menu.

The hall was beautifully decorated with lovehearts, big red heart shaped balloons and a vase with fresh red roses on each table.

A great deal of thought and effort was put into this venture and was much appreciated by everyone present.

Reporter and Photographer Enid McDonald


Rev Alan Ward, Minister of Ardgowan Parish Church, has received and accepted a call to become an Interim Minister in the Church of Scotland. 
His last Sunday in Ardgowan will be on Easter Day, April 4th, and he will demit office in mid April. 
The Presbytery Plan Review Committee is aware of his impending move and obviously will take that into account when considering the implementation of the Presbytery Plan for West Greenock